After 3 years of covid-19 lock, SUPERINKS flew to Indonesia from Mar 10-14,2023 and had a happy time with Binterjet company.

Our flight arrive Jakarta at Mar 10, and flight from Jakarta to Solo at Mar 11. Solo is a very beautiful place, located in Central Java, Indonesia, there are lots of green forest and farmland.

We visited Binterjet’s office and warehouse, SUPERINKS sent more support, and discussed deeper cooperation in 2023.

We visited representative Binterjet customers to provide support and advice.
After work, we drove to the top of the mountain with Hadi’s family, enjoying the beautiful scenery, eating natural food from the mountain, and had a great weekend.

Mar 13, we flight back Jakarta with Hadi, and visited their Jakarta office. Jakarta is a busy modern city, prosperous and full of energy.

The SUPERINKS team happily ended their trip to Indonesia.